
Its Porno for Pyros

If you've ever taken a kid to Wendy's you know their kids meal toys leave something to be desired. I'm not complaining. I love Wendy's. Their $0.99 menu rules the world. But their kids meal toys are generally meh.

 I was kind of excited last time that they were giving out Yogi Bear toys. Turns out Logo got the Yogi Bear glider plane or something.

 OMG! This thing was an absolute NIGHTMARE to put together. You have no idea how many Xanax I went through. SRSLY. I can't imagine a child ever being able to do it. 

Anyways, so I got together as well as I could without having an aneurysm and then Kyle had the bright idea to light it on fire. So we doused it in lighter fluid and laughed while poor Yogi and Boo Boo burned.

 Overkill? Maybe. But it felt kind of good putting that thing through the hell it put me through. 

Burn, baby, burn. 
Disco inferno.

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